
You Can Feel Confident About Your Smile

Take a moment to relax. Think about things that make you smile.
Your family.
Your spouse.
Your pets.
A sunny day.
Reading a good book.
Now think for a moment about your smile. Is there anything that makes you hesitate to show your smile? What could you change about your smile to make it nicer, warmer, friendlier?
You may be like the millions of people who seek out cosmetic dentistry every year. If you live in or near Salem, OR, then you are close enough to talk to our dentist at Oregon Smile Care Center about the ways we could help you get the smile that you really want to have.
Maybe you are trying to recapture the smile of your youth, or maybe you are in a position to make the changes that you’ve wanted to make for years.
No matter why you want to improve your smile, we can help your teeth transform.
Benefits Of Cosmetic Dentistry
You are probably already aware that many celebrities have undergone cosmetic dental procedures. (Just Google “celebrity cosmetic dental” and you’ll see more examples than you probably want to see.)
It’s probably not a surprise that people who work in front of cameras to make money would want their smiles to look as nice as possible. The truth is that everyone can benefit from having a nicer smile.
If your start with the aesthetic benefits, your smile will look nicer. There are many things that you can do to make your teeth look more visually pleasing.
Having a nice smile also helps you make a good impression on others. Surveys have shown that people with pleasant smiles are considered more intelligent, more trustworthy, friendlier, and more attractive.
You don’t need to be a movie star to see how that could help you in your daily life.
The most important benefits of cosmetic dentistry may be the emotional impact it can have on you. We have seen it happen multiple times in our office. When patients see their new smiles, it can give them a boost of confidence.
That confidence can carry over into your social and professional life. You may feel more comfortable meeting new people when you aren’t worried about your teeth. You may feel better about applying for a job or going on a job interview when you are worried about what the person sitting across the desk might think of your teeth.
Going through a cosmetic procedure has been an incredibly uplifting experience for our patients and seeing those reactions makes our staff feel better, too.
Ways You Can Change Your Smile
If you have been thinking about cosmetic dentistry, then you probably have an idea what you would like to change. Here are a few of the common requests we receive in our office:
▶︎ Making Teeth Look Straighter
We have two ways we can do this. The first is to actually straighten your teeth.
Several patients have used Invisalign to move their teeth without the hassles that come with wearing braces. With Invisalign, you don’t have to have your brackets and wires adjusted. Instead, you just switch clear plastic aligners as needed.
The other option is to hide your teeth. Veneers are a shell that we can bond to the front of your teeth. This shell can make your teeth look perfectly straight to anyone who sees you smile.
▶︎ Making Teeth Look Whiter
There are two ways to make this happen, too.
You can have your teeth professionally whitened with our in-office or our take-home products. We also offer a whitening for life program to help you keep your smile looking its best.
Again, veneers are a fast and effective way to change the appearance of your smile. When you get your veneers, your teeth can look as white as you want them to look.
▶︎ Fixing Damaged Teeth
A lot of things bad things can happen to your teeth. You could develop cavities. You could suffer an injury or bite into something a little too hard and part of your tooth could chip off. You may even wear down your teeth over time.
Dental bonding is a great way to restore the appearance of individual teeth. If your problem is more widespread, then you may want to consider veneers to repair multiple teeth at the same time.
Time To Change
If you would like to know if cosmetic dentistry could help you, schedule a consultation at Oregon Smile Care Center. We will be glad to discuss what you would like to change and how we can help you make that happen.
Call (503) 809-4784 or fill out our online form today to make your appointment at our dentist office in Salem, OR.

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